
Accurate onsite test for the detection of synthetic cannabinoids.

The improved sensitivity of the DrugCheck K2/Spice test for synthetic cannabis or synthetic cannabinoids has been verified by an independent laboratory. Testing at a confirmation lab in New England (USA) reported that the DrugCheck K2/Spice test picked up the presence of synthetic cannabis K2 or “Spice” at less than 10 ng/mL.

Synthetic cannabis is a psychoactive herbal and chemical product that, when consumed, mimics the effects of cannabis. It is best known by the brand names Kronic, K2 and Spice, but all refer to synthetic cannabinoids, or synthetic cannabis products.

**Please note that this is a buy-in product and we keep limited / zero stock. Customer Service will inform you of when you will receive the product after your order has been placed or alternatively contact the Office on (08) 8362 5531 / prior to purchase**

SKU:  DTKU – U6x6+16 – 25